Summary of my education and experience. Download the PDF file for a detailed version and write me if you need an updated version of my CV.

General Information

Full Name Javier Rando Ramirez
Languages English, Spanish
My research in one line Figuring out what can go wrong when we deploy AI in real-world applications


  • 2023 - ongoing
    Doctoral Student
    ETH Zurich - ETH AI Center
    • Topic: Real-world security and safety of AI systems.
    • Advised by Prof. Florian Tramèr and Prof. Mrinmaya Sachan.
    • 🏆 Awarded with the ETH AI Center Doctoral Fellowship.
  • 2021 - 2023
    MSc in Computer Science
    ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland.
    • GPA 5.64/6. Major in Machine Intelligence.
    • Funded by an Open Philanthropy grant.
    • Research projects.
      • Language Models for password modeling (Prof. Fernando Perez-Cruz).
      • Poisoning Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (Prof. Florian Tramèr).
  • 2017 - 2021
    BSc in Mathematical Engineering in Data Science
    Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, Spain.
    • 🏆 First in class. Best Academic Record.
    • Year abroad in the Technical University of Munich (TUM).

Research and Industry Experience

  • Summer 2024
    Research Scientist Intern
    • GenAI Safety & Trust Team.
  • 2024
    Independent Contractor
    OpenAI Red Teaming Network
    • Participating in OpenAI led red teaming efforts to assess the risks and safety profile of OpenAI models and systems.
  • 2022 - 2023
    Visiting Researcher
    New York University
    • Research on LLM truthfulness in the CILVR under the supervision of Prof. He He.
  • 2020 - 2023
    Co-Founder and CTO
    • Explainable AI startup. Provides a tool to understand AI predictions to boost efficiency and trust.
  • 2020
    Data Science and Engineering Intern
    • Global department developing ML models for different use cases. Contributions to corporate Business Intelligence solutions.
  • 2019
    Research Assistant
    Pompeu Fabra University
    • Supervised by Prof. Carlos Castillo (Web Science and Social Computing Research Group) and Valerio Lorini (Joint Research Centre, European Comission).
    • Project funded with a Maria de Maetzu award for talented undergraduate students.


  • 2023
    ETH Zurich
    • Teaching assistant for Information Security Lab and Large Language Models.
  • 2023
    NYU AI School
    • Teaching assistant for introductory lab courses to AI.
  • 2021
    Pompeu Fabra University
    • Guest lectures (4h). Visual Analytics undergraduate course.
  • 2021
    Pompeu Fabra University
    • Guest lectures (2h). Entrepreneurship undergraduate course.

Honors and Awards

  • 2023
    • ETH AI Center Doctoral Fellowship.
    • $25k grant from Open Philanthropy for the competition I organise in SaTML 2024.
  • 2022
    • Best Paper Award at NeurIPS ML Safety Workshop.
    • Junior Researcher. Future of Life Institute.
    • Research grant ($30K) to join NYU as Visiting Researcher. Long-Term Future Fund.
  • 2021
    • Early career scholarship for MSc funding ($30K). Open Philanthropy Project.
    • Best Academic Record Award. BSc Mathematical Engineering in Data Science (9.1/10). Pompeu Fabra University.
  • 2020
    • TALENTUM internship Telefonica. Internship to join an applied research team. Telefonica.
  • 2019
    • Collaboration scholarship at units of excellence "María De Maeztu". Research assistant funding at Pompeu Fabra University. Spanish Science Ministry.
    • Best Academic Record Award. BSc in Mathematics (9.1/10). Pompeu Fabra University.